Sunday, January 27, 2019

Burning Down the House

Yesterday was supposed to be a great day, we were now ready to open and set the trap for Puppy (now Luna) since we had her coming to a feeding station.  She had come through 9:36 am, and the plan was to take a portable grill, do a couple of hot dogs, spritz some water on the grill to get vapor and smoke into the air to attract her for dinner.

When I got home and checked the computer to see how it was going, I could not believe my eyes and the messages from Renee.  She burned the whole feeding station down.  I was mortified!

I didn't even ask.  What was the point.  High winds, I believe, but who grills without a lid or watching the grill in high winds with a tiny grill on the ground?  I will say no more.

She couldn't even get home, her keys had melted.  Thankfully, the trail cam and trap did not get burned or  melt in the fire, but now we were beside ourselves thinking how we were going to start again with a new feeding station and get her to come to it.

Checking the cam this morning, look who showed up at the original feeding station!  For some reason she didn't eat what was put out, maybe the scorched ground freaked her out, but she did come back again today!  So we start again and hope that one day we come to the trap and she will be in it!

On a lighter side, here is the afghan I was telling you about.  Zac in Maine laughed when he bought it on Ebay and saw it was mine, and I laughed when I saw he bought it. We both like the same afghans and he has bought many.  

So with all this stress of the dog, arguing with the tree service that still has not come to split our wood from two months ago, I now have caught what Bob was sick with all week, so I guess it's my turn to be the sick one this week (or maybe I'll beat it!!)

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