Thursday, August 8, 2019

The Boy Scout Camp

I have always loved the Boy Scout Camp with all its outbuildings and where it is on the lake. We bought our land from the owner of the camp over a decade ago.  He has now sold the camp to who knows who and who knows what will become of it, probably a private residence.  If only I had had an extra million dollars laying around, I would be living at the Boy Scout Camp!!

What I like about it most is the huge stone walled in area, which for me would have been a garden protected from the deer and rabbits, but last I saw inside the walls it was just concrete.  I don't know how it was used for the Boy Scouts.

These two watch towers are across the road from the main building and behind it is a rock amphitheater.  Now that it's sold and workers were all around, I could not go on the property to take photos, but I do have some from a decade ago that I need to look for.  That was another area that would have made an amazing garden.

This end of the lake has so many water lilies.  I usually take out the kayak and get up-close shots, but this time I took them from the road.

Found some fun photos from the past when the Boy Scout Camp was still a camp.

Check out the dude lower left corner on a bike in the water!

Have not seen a canoe like this on the lake since we've owned the boathouse.

Those were the days!

Some new things blooming in the garden.

Ugly lamp of the month!

Plaster fruit topiary that I know someone is gonna love!

Finally had a thunderstorm to test my rain chain bell, and it kind of works!