Thursday, September 27, 2018

Hurricane Rescue

This is Sambo, a chow mix that had been sitting in a KY shelter for months.  I had given up hope that rescue would take him, but posted his photo again and Tracy saw it and wanted him!

We both set out to acquire a rescue and did, then I set up transport from KY to NC to get him to Tracy. Bob drove to Knoxville, TN and met my friend Chantal to pick him up.  

Everyone along the way fell in love with him, especially Bob.

Tracy & Yasu and the kids spent the day at a waterfall close to my home and we met at Harmon Field to give them Sambo.

Bob is sulking in the background, he wanted to keep Sambo.

When up in Knoxville Bob picked up an SUV full of dog food, a donation to the hurricane shelter victims from a local pet store.

We were to deliver the dog food to a friend who has been working tirelessly in the flood areas, but a local dog rescue had a fire, lost all their kennels and some dogs, so we will be delivering the food to them this weekend.  Very sad.

Some dogs were saved, thank goodness.

On the way to Knoxville, we stopped off at a library book sale which we had scoped out the week before.  I knew exactly where to run to with my boxes ($6 a box!) to get the pretty old bindings that I like to sell. 

Also picked up a pair of cobalt lamps for $6 apiece!

This little book I just threw in the box since it was as many as you could fit in for $6, and I think this was my favorite.  Pages of old chairs.

And this is Trenton, a hurricane victim in a flooded shelter which had no AC, no windows in the kennels and I was trying to get him out for a rescue in Michigan.  After a week of trying to find some way to get in or find a rescue group like the Cajun Navy to go get him, Tracy offered to drive down and see if she could find a way to get him out.

It was a 2 hour drive one way that turned into five and Tracy got within 20 miles before National Guard started putting up closed road signs as the rivers started to crest and water started to come on the roads.  The kids were scared and I was scared for all of them, but they did make it home late that night, but without Trenton.

The next week we got an offer from a rescue person that was down from Illinois rescuing horses in the area, she and her son offered to go to the shelter and get Trenton for us! We were holding our breath.  Not only was she able to get Trenton, she also got these two little pitbulls that had been swimming and hanging on for days and were ill because of it.  Sunday was a good day!  Trenton in the video below getting out of the shelter.  I would say he is one happy boy!

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Goodbye Bamboo, Hello Florence

The day we picked Bamboo up from the shelter along with his buddy Leroy Brown!  He was 12 years old, and had a lot of living yet to do!

At 18 1/2 years old, we squeezed every second we could out of him and wish we could have more.  We miss him and so does Panda. 

Hard to believe that yesterday was a beautiful day with bright blue skies and a strong breeze.  The skies looked eerie at dusk letting us know something was on the way.

Today not so nice, drizzle all day with gray skies.  Florence makes her way here tonight with winds in the 40s and 8 to 10 inches of rain.  We got the same notice on our gate as we did this spring when there were mudslides.   I'm guessing once the trees start coming down we won't have power.  Be back in touch once Florence heads to the Northeast!