Saturday, June 14, 2014

The Grounds

Since there is not much to show in the house yet, I thought a walk around the property would be nice to let everyone see how lush and green this area is.  I really love the foggy mornings over the mountain.  What a view to wake up to!

Past this gate at the bottom of the pasture is our other four acres that we have not walked.  We will have to cross the stream to get to it, but it is now so thick we will have to wait until winter.  Yesterday, a pack of beagles was back there on a hunt, stayed for an hour.  I have seen turkey and deer, no wild boars or bear as of yet.

Lots of butterfly weed!

Something I haven't seen in a long time, passion flower, or as it's called in the South, maypop.

Of course, some Queen Anne's Lace.

Up at the house hydrangeas are in bloom.

Walking down to the little farmhouse I find many interesting things growing, none of which I know the names of.  Time to get out the guides.

This little area is across from the farmhouse and already had stairs as if it was to lead to something, so this will be my future rose garden.  It really is the only place that gets sun all day in order to grow roses, and guests at the farmhouse can enjoy it from the front porch. As you can see, I have a lot of holes to dig.  These "Butterfly Roses" came with me and are now very hard to find, so I need to get them planted soon.

My antique horse head hitching posts now grace the front gate posts.

A view of the house from the driveway.  This area will someday get a path so we can walk through and look at all the shade plants.  I once read that when planning a garden you should choreograph a walk, which is precisely what I am doing as I walk the dogs, looking for ways to hook one little garden area with the next.  

Farther up the driveway looking at the house.  That big bush in front of the window will be coming out and a Japanese Maple that I brought with me will be going in.  They sure loved their ivy back in the day, but it kills trees.  So much here that I'm not going to bother with it, just plant more trees for when the ivy-covered ones succumb.

Side view of the house from the driveway.  Once painted and metal roof on, it will really stand out.  The drab grey does nothing for it.  The farmhouse will be white, as a farmhouse should be!

The Deodora Cedar down by the farmhouse with a glimpse of the mountain.

Front gate down by the rose garden and farmhouse.

I read in a newspaper clipping that was in with the family photos that the Dusenburies had planted over 100 varieties of trees.  So far I have named 15 varieties, so I am going to need help.  I'm not very good with identifying trees.  What I have identified are: Magnolia, above in this photo, Chestnut, Mimosa, Crepe Myrtle, Bald Cypress, Deodora Cedar, Canadian Hemlock, Maples, Pines, Eastern White Pine and Eastern Red Pine to be more specific, Sweet Gum, Red Bud, Tulip, Oaks, Cedars, Junipers.  The Magnolia above is where the hammock will go. It has strong limbs and lots of cool shade.  Hopefully next post I will have accomplished something decorative inside to share!

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