Saturday, March 29, 2014

Part 3

Mike, our fencer, has been here all week.  He will be fencing four of the eight acres, up at the house and the pasture down to the stream.  Using a lot of metal posts this time instead of wood, less expensive and stronger.
He pointed out a huge beaver hole.  Hope Roman doesn't see them.  He's not fond of groundhogs, so can't imagine a beaver would look much different to him.
Their dam is beginning to come together.  Mike said as he's been working, trees have been falling.  I may just get that marsh/bog area naturally if no one complains about the water flow and their riparian rights!
As for the finds in the attic, Jim found a huge box of old photos, frames, travel logs, and sketchbooks that we all had a fun time going through.
Lots of family photos starting in the late 1800s, which will be offered to the brother, John Dusenbury, who lives in the Atlanta area.
I first want to read the travel logs to Europe!
If he doesn't want them, they will stay with the house for future owners to enjoy.
And these creepy "fire grenades" were throughout the house, and we saw where one went for $37 on Ebay, so out of the dumpster they came!

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