Friday, March 7, 2014

Okay.  The clock is ticking, and I'm getting real nervous! The contractor was supposed to start this week, came and got the keys on Saturday, but because of ice in the mountains was delayed yet again by another week.  I had planned on going up today to get some photos of the demolition, but since that will now be next week, here are just a few photos of the grounds and some inside shots to show the work to be done.  These are for you mom!
The park-like setting around the house is one of the attributes that drew us to it.  It has a little bit of everything, and since it's been the winter, who knows what will pop up to my surprise.  My contractor did spy a mock orange bush that was blooming when we were there two weeks ago.  I love the cedar in the previous photo down by the farmhouse.  This photo is what is nestled around the main house, lots of old growth!
We have a magnificent old magnolia.  My brother George has one, says you can't rake up the leaves which are enormous.  This is my first time owning one, and I cannot wait for those big beautiful white blooms.  One bloom can fill a vase and make a beautiful bouquet!
Oh, and then my favorite, the bamboo.  It's not black bamboo, which I planted at the boathouse, but that is coming in strong, and I will definitely plant some amongst this blue bamboo. I have about an acre of it.  My friend, Debra, who lives in Tryon, said I will be amazed at the birds that will come out of it, they just love to nest in there.
A bit of a mountain view, not the view our property had, but I'll take it! The stream runs along the back left of this property and once settled, I will inquire as to what it will take to make a pond or a bog, some marshland,which I love because of frogs.
Now for some inside photos.  This is looking out the kitchen window over the sink at the wood shed.  I am loving that it is full and split and ready for next year! This building houses a room that will be my potting shed and then the garage, which will be Roman and Princess Maile's living quarters. I plan on painting it a red to match the old brick of the house and to make it look more like a barn.  It will also get a metal shingle roof.  Can't wait to get started and see the transformation.
There are two bathrooms, both small.  Both have the original fixtures which are in quite good shape.  The tile is not my favorite, but since it is in good shape and I can live with the little bit of gold, most of it is white, and I can add paint and accessories to make it look more up-to-date. My contractor doesn't like the sinks, said it looks like a gas station.  I asked him what gas station bathrooms he goes to, and he just laughed.  This house is only one year older than him, so maybe that's the reason he likes new and not old.
This is one of the bedrooms, and it will be made into Bob's library.  The floors throughout the house are gorgeous.  They are oak, I prefer pine, but these are in great shape, and I'm happy to have them.  The master bedroom and kitchen have carpeting and linoleum and the original floors, which the above is not, are going to look even better.  We actually found square nails, so the floors have promise, and I cannot wait to unearth them. As for the fern wallpaper, well, thankfully they will be hidden by shelves for books, and you may see a peek of them here and there, but better than having to tear it all down.
This is the living room.  Lots of built-ins, which I will keep, and lots of wood to paint.  I'm happy it's paneled, but way too much wood for my liking.  It needs to be brightened up.  It does have a lot of windows and the ceiling will be coming down to expose the old rafters and to put in a skylight positioned in front of the chimney/fireplace so that we will be able to see the old brick.
A view out the front door.  What ugly curtains!  There's a lot of ugly going on in this place, but that will make the transformation much more exciting.  For an artist, he wasn't much on interior decorating.  I'm just glad he didn't "update" and left a lot of the original details intact.
Here it is nestled in the trees and shrubs just waiting for it's makeover!


  1. I see exactly why you love this place so much Maria! Such an AMAZING piece of property and the house is screaming with potential! I CAN NOT wait to see what you do! I bet you are just bursting with ideas and can't wait to get do you sleep at night!?!

    1. Hi Megan! What a surprise and honor to get a comment from you! You're right, I don't sleep much at night, can't stop my mind from thinking about all that needs to be done. Actually started today. I was going to ask, any tips for painting all that paneling since you did so much? Did you use a roller then cut in with a brush? And please, by all means, if you spy something and have an idea on what I can do, please pass it along. This is very overwhelming, but exciting! My family still lives in PA and I tried so hard to move back and get an old farmhouse, but just wasn't in the cards for me with my husband's work. Looking forward to your next post! maria

  2. Hi Maria, I am enjoying your blog so much because we aren't in the middle of any dirty work and I am going through withdrawal. Can't believe what progress you guys have made already! To answer your question we ripped down all the paneling in our house (it was the awful 1960s kind) so I didn't have to paint it thank heavens. We did leave one wall of real wood planks (next to the pellet stove in dining room) and I painted that with a brush cause of all of the cracks. Also, I wanted to comment on your latest post but it won't let me for some reason but I wanted to tell you our floors had the same tar paper on them. I tried numerous methods but with Citristrip (dumped it on and let it soak in first) and a wall paper scraper and it came right off. Then I would wash the area with hot water and vinegar to remove any stickiness left. Worked like a charm. Took forever but I was determined to save the floors. Keep us posted on the progress, I love seeing all that you have going on!

  3. Thanks for the tips Megan. I did read about the Citris and will give that a try. What we'll go through for those old pine floors! Hope to see some farmhouse bathroom posts soon so I can get some ideas for the mini farmhouse! It's nice to have four guys working on the place to get some things done so we can move in this weekend. We're trying to get an extension so more things can be done, but doesn't look like it's going to happen. Loved your last post. Don't sell the wooden bread knife, you'll never find one again!!! Thanks for following, should have some more photos soon.
