Thursday, October 28, 2021

Bamboo Forest Trail

Progress on the trail!  My neighbor Jim who is a landscaper needed some work while his car was in the shop.  He was the perfect person for this job.  Except for some stumps, it is pretty much finished.  A little wider at the top than I liked, but meanders through the bamboo and to the stream where he made what he called "the beach" as a place to sit and relax.  I still need to remove the rest of the cinder blocks, but that was the old property line and now that we have our survey it can be removed.
 The survey is not completed, they are having a hard time finding one pin down by the road, but we at least know where the line is now to let the power company come to put the underground line and clear a driveway. We did find out that it was not the typical 25 feet from the property line, but 50 feet, so the driveway is a problem and we will have to write something in the deed to make it work.  We will also need to go back to the zoning office to work on this, but in the meantime, it can be used for Airbnb.  I texted Jake to see where he was, we were supposed to start the work inside late October, now it will be late December.  Burst my bubble.

                            Jim marked the way with some pink twine I gave him so we knew the way to walk.  Believe it or not, you can actually get way off track in there and not come out the same way you went in.

            Perfect timing to have the path done, made it easier for the surveyors to get their equipment down to the stream.
    Up at the main house, the garden is still in bloom and the hydrangeas keep on going, just now in deeper tones for fall. 

   Sheffield Mums in bloom.

   The berries that are left that the birds haven't eaten.

    And guess who just returned after months of being away!!! A chilly night, so I turned on his heat lamp.  

    This is the extent to which I decorated for fall. Just waiting to get the Christmas decorations up!
    The spooky mantel.  Light from IKEA.  It's actually an owl, but looks like a ghost when lit.
                 Welcome TIMBER to our family!! He is not any of the ones we were looking at.  One night I looked at my facebook feed, which I never do because I don't like the things I see, but something made me do it, and there he was!! He is a 10 year old CHOWAMUTE (chow and malamute) weighs 65 pounds, more than my 50 pound limit, but is only 3 1/2 hours from us on the other side of North Carolina.  I talked at depth with his foster, he is sweet and friendly.  I hope he likes Geisha and Geisha likes him.
               I went to the church this week and piled up the stuff animals for him.  He LOVES to carry them in his mouth, making it much harder to bite Geisha like Kody Kakes did! LOL  He is heartworm positive, has Ehrlichia and ear infections, is not neutered, all things we will work on.  He gets in the house because no dog with a pink tongue is allowed!!
                  For a 10 year old, he still has some energy. I hope he likes it here. Bob will be getting him on Saturday, and I will post an update! We're excited.                   
                    Today at Mindy's goat farm!  Rainy days makes it hard to get to the back door!  Evidently, goats don't like getting wet.

                Goats, goats everywhere and not a drop of milk! End of the milking season.  Will have to wait until spring for more milk.   Good thing I'm stocked up for winter!

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