Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Easter Weekend Gardening

The bunny plaque went up as well as the hummingbird feeders as they will be arriving shortly.

This year the fountain is plain, sans rocks, and I had to rig it so the pump had a place to attach to and so there was a place for the birds to land for a drink.  I am a master "rigger"!!

The hand pruning for the past four years is starting to pay off.  This ground cover which was growing in the ivy, under the magnolia, is now starting to bloom in between the hellebores.

Just another unfamiliar plant that I need to find the name of.

I have been working on the azalea garden where I planted my Japanese Kerria, and another surprise was found.

Two more peonies!! I will transplant these  come fall to be with the other peonies I found last year.

At an estate sale Saturday morning, I was told about a plant sale at the local high school, so we headed over to see what they had.

Came home with a tray of tomatoes and herbs and a few lantana, which will be planted this coming weekend.

We also went back to "my house" or the house of my dreams.  I love walking around the grounds, and this time I took home a few plants.

Still a lot of things left from the estate sale, I actually spied some plates that I'm going to ask Randy about this coming weekend at the next estate sale.  

It's sad to see it now without the gorgeous chandelier that hung in this room over the dining table.  

I hope one day someone with a LOT of money loves this place as much as me and brings it back to life.

One plant I did not touch was the trillium, an endangered species which was HUGE and growing throughout the grounds, it definitely is in the right spot.

At home I plugged in the mums that I found growing in the pasture.

I also dug up some daylilies and placed them along the driveway.  I'm excited to see what blooms.  Randy told me the two men who owned the home traveled with National Geographic and would bring exotic specimens home with them.  More trips ahead to see what is popping up and if I can get a few samples.

Plans this week to clean up the compost piles and plant the tomatoes and herbs just bought.

Lettuce is still going strong and the bachelor buttons and larkspur behind it are getting ready to bloom.

What was left of the weekend I spent looking for my old passport and the new photos taken to get my new passport.  I think I look like Diane Keaton in my old photo.  That's okay, Reds is one of my all-time favorite movies.

I'm not going to let myself get too excited, but my courthouse girlfriends say they are planning a trip to Iceland in the fall and then going to Scotland, so I'm getting prepared.  It all depends on price and if my friend Vickie goes since she is the only adventurous one in the bunch.  The others will just be sipping their cocktails in a geothermal pool!!
PS:  My hummingbirds arrived this evening!!

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