Friday, January 19, 2018






CAR . . . some of the wildlife around here

Because of the cold, guess who's back!  My pileated has been at the suet on the tree and eating out of the platform feeder, but this sensitive guy can see me coming from a mile away and I didn't have my zoom lens, so you have to look very closely at the tree trunk to see him.

Don't have much hope for the camellias this Valentine's Day, they are fried.

It was so cold some days, even the chows didn't want to go out.  I have realized I no longer like winter, 65 degrees and sunny is all I want!

Some belated birthday gifts.  Thank you mom for this fantastic pressure cooker, but I will have to tell you about my first experience doing the dog food.

I love my lanterns.  They have come in handy with the blackouts, but I especially like them for walking the dogs at night with all this ice.

Debra sent me this pretty chow watercolor.

Chantal had the flower company send another bouquet because they left the first box at the gate and they were frozen. These were beautiful and bloomed nicely.

And eggs!!!  I have had to resort to store bought eggs for weeks because of the cold, the chickens were not laying.  I thought they were having marital problems!

What a week in rescue.  I had a transport from Houston to Knoxville to NC set up for Wednesday when the storm hit.  I have been stressed and scrambling for days, but today we got them on the road home after staying with me for a few days. This is Duke Monte, a very sweet dog.

Today we picked up Duchess Fergie going to the same home as Duke Monte.  

This has been the most stressful transport I've done and since I have not been feeling well for two weeks with the cold or flu, the stress just made it flare up.  Tonight, a glass of wine, a fire and watching Restored by the Fords, my new favorite HGTV show.  

When it's all said and done, how can you not help save a face like this!  Bob is funny, said rescue is like the Mafia, once you are in, it's hard to get out.  So true!!

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