Monday, October 20, 2014

Tryon Fine Arts Center

John Dusenbury, Philip's brother, the man who owned our new home, was so nice to think of us and call to let us know that he would be coming to Tryon to bring some pieces of his brother's art collection along with others who own his pieces so that we could know a little bit about the man who lived in our home.

He was a paper mache artist, and the likes of Wes Craven and Richard Simmons own his pieces.  They are very large, proportions are distorted, but the finishes I found very nice and the pieces interesting.

His animals and birds are what I liked best.

When my builder found a box full of photos in the attic, there was a sketchbook of Philip's that we returned to his brother.  There were some pen and ink drawings that were at the exhibit.  Some of them were for sale and very expensive.

This is John, who evidently had a lot of friends while he lived in Tryon.  He now lives in Atlanta.  I wasn't expecting such a big turn-out in such a small town.

Photos of Philip lined one wall.  He was a runner, a very good tennis player, was a recluse with a black lab, and a very good artist.

It was a nice evening out.  Everywhere we go in this town there are mountain views.  This is from the art center parking lot.

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