Monday, July 8, 2019

Fourth at the Lake

We never spend the 4th of July at the lake.  Too many boats, radios, firecrackers and people.  My favorite time on the lake is late fall, early winter when no one is there, except the Canadian geese.  

I think they were a little confused as to all the commotion or maybe they were just going dock to dock and getting a handout!

We had guests coming for the fourth anyway, two jewelry artists from Charleston going to the Coon Dog Festival in Saluda.

But I did manage to finally get the neighbors over for a happy hour right before after canceling the first time due to Grizz. 

This paddler was from Columbia for a visit and Cindy lured him over for a drink.

Cindy luring him in.  

Setting up for guests on the day of the fourth, lots of activity on the lake.

My lantana gets bigger every year!

This is Julep, one of our canine guest for the fourth.

And this is Stella, our other canine guest on the fourth, and they did bring some humans with them!

Back home we opened this bottle of white that Mindy gave me to try, even though I'm not a fan of whites, but it was pretty good, especially ice cold.  Notice the goat on the label?

We had asparagus and swiss crepes with cucumber sauce, perfect with the white and also needed to make something to compete with Dave's meal that he cooked.  

We have this ongoing "thing" of who makes a better meal.  He didn't like mine, and I don't like his LOL, too fattening, fried and thick sauce.  UGH  It's fun going back and forth.  He does make a nice looking plate.  As for the boathouse, just about every day this month has had a renter and every time we go over I ask Bob "Are you ready to sell yet?"  That, too, is an ongoing thing.  I want to sell and buy a one room shack on the outer banks or in the Smokys!  We'll see who wins!

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