Great gifts! Candles, fancy hand lotion, hiking socks and Bob finds great bear T-shirts working in Asheville. A big surprise was a moose charcoal that I really liked that I saw months ago in a shop, it was still there! Now I have to find a place to hang it.
The plan was to hike the Exclamation Trail, but the days before the cold front came in and I thought it might not happen, but by my birthday it was 60 degrees, sunny, and clear enough to be able to get the 75 mile views promised on the trail!
The higher we got, the more ice on the rock cliffs.
Made it to Devil's Head
Then this!!! I couldn't believe we got this far and they blocked the trail!!
I was bummed. All that, and now a long hike down with no views.
Fake crying.
Down we go. Bob wearing one of his xmas gifts. So now we have to try again, once my calves can handle it. Three hours down on rocks really took a toll on my hiking shows and my legs. I had a good soak, a glass of wine and all in all it was a great birthday. And now the SS checks can start coming in along with my county checks, so I'm not complaining about being 65!
New Year's Day we started the morning with coffee and the Mummer's Parade. It was a warm day, perfect to work on the veg garden and get it prepared for spring. It was so warm the lizards came out of hiding.
Last year daisies had taken over my veg bed, so I have now transplanted them to the front of the bed so I can get back to planting herbs and vegetables.
Tomorrow should be the same where I can finish up, rain is coming which will be perfect for the transplants. Time to order seeds!!
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