This lovely fountain arrived in a BIG box and took me a while to put together. George gave me the head's up something was coming, but didn't tell me what it was. I thought it might be a fountain since we were just talking about the one Dave had in his yard. I was afraid to open it up worried I wouldn't like it, but it turned out it was really nice, and the color was perfect for the brick courtyard.
It was a bit loud, but reading the directions there was a way to slow the pump, but I would have to take it apart to do that, so I left it up for a while and then saw a leak that was coming from the bottom bowl, which was strange since there was no crack or hole. The leak was big enough that overnight the courtyard was wet and I knew if I tried to fix it and couldn't, the company may not take it back, so decided it best to send it back. Here it is up and running!
This was the fountain I saw in Asheville at the garden center I go to. It's concrete and a tabletop, reminded me of a mill stone. It was more what I had in mind for the courtyard, just a trickling of water to attract the birds and be soothing.
Since the other was being returned, I thought my mom might consider letting me buy this one instead of getting another of the big fountain, but it had since been sold and another can't be ordered until February. I called all over and even SC garden shops, but no one had this one. I went online to the company, Campania International, which is in Philadelphia of all places, but it is wholesale.
When looking for my mill stone, I saw this one called the "Adirondack" and this might be the one for me if still available come time to order.
So today I got this big boy broken down, packed up and taken to FedEx. Thank you Mom, that was a very sweet gesture, you picked a beauty, but a smaller one will do and will also save you a little cash!
Now Blooming: Phlox
Coneflower that I dug up at the river. Going back to get more!
Croscima that I had at the boathouse and never bloomed. They are doing much better here in full sun. Stay tuned for the Fourth of July post!
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