Wednesday, July 29, 2020

The Lily Pond

With most national and state parks closed and the garden tours and big church sales canceled or postponed, we are finding local things to do.  This is the local nature center's lily pond.  A nice place to take a Sunday stroll.

I could see a lot of buds, but no blooms.  We came back two weeks later to see them and had missed them.


I love the dragonflies and trying to capture them in a photo. 

The thrift shops are still open and seems like everyone is cleaning out their homes with nothing else to do.  There was a big bag of hand embroidered items at the Salvation Army, and I got the whole bag for $5.  This mom deer and fawn was one of the items. This one is a keeper!  

Finding a lot of unique items, and most of these were sold the minute I listed them.

This apron was also in that $5 bag and is a beautiful piece.

I'm finding so many afghans.  With temps in the 90s, no one is thinking of buying them, so this is when I get my stock for colder weather.

Jake and Ben were here to fix a rotted beam on our porch roof and were kind enough to move both of my cement garden benches. 

This one is in the front yard next to the farmhouse.

                            Tomatoes are coming in and we are eating a LOT of tomato dishes, fresh salsas and Italian potato casserole.
                               Wildlife in strange places!  Frog in the dogs' water bowl every night.
                                                                   Snakes in the birdhouses. 
        Sadly, coming down my driveway I saw this on the power line.  I couldn't figure out how he could be hanging by his toes.  

I brought Croscima over from the boathouse garden, but no blooms this year.  Mindy is growing them in her garden, so I clipped a piece to put in a vase.

Judy, do you know what this plant is?
Still looking for a perfect spot for my vintage camper light, but in the meantime, it sits on a table in my living room.

                               A surprise in the mail this week from a chow friend.  Need to find a pillow to fit.

In rescue the past two weeks, this is Scooter.  Raised over $1000 and got him rescue.

               This cute guy, now named Rusty, took most of my week up last week. He was four hours away, I raised over $1000, found rescue in Atlanta, drove to Charlotte one day to meet David, brought him home for an overnight and then drove him the next day to the SC/GA line.  This week working on a 10 year old whose owner died in the same area.  Never ends.

I will be able to sit on my bench and look at my azalea garden in spring!
Baby, the fawn, is always hanging up at the house.  She is coming so close, but I don't want to encourage that.  This morning, the more I talked to her the closer she came.  I have left the pasture gate open, but she doesn't want to leave.  Her mother is always here, too.

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