Tuesday, October 29, 2019

I Found My Lizards!

Last year I cleaned up the area that was full of old leaves and planted ferns.  This was the area where my lizards lived.  I thought they would like the ferns better, but they left.

With the high heat and humidity this summer, I thought they would be everywhere, but had not seen even one . . . until today!

There on the front of the house were at least a dozen and some others in the coleus.  

They were all watching me transplant iris.

Hopefully they have a warm place for the upcoming cold spell and rain.

Moved my huge sunflower stepping stone from the farmhouse to the front of my courtyard, and I like it here much better.  Doing a totally different path for the farmhouse and will show that when finished.

Yesterday and today I worked from sun up to sundown transplanting, cutting wood, pruning and cleaning up.  Rain then very cold temps this weekend, lows in the 30s.  Had to cancel guests at boathouse.  With no insulation, the wood stove just won't cut it.

In a way I would like a cold snap to bring an end to the coleus so I can plant my pansies.

Despite the drought, camellias came in strong.

My wash basin at the farmhouse is overflowing with striped marigolds.

On a sad note, my huge old evergreen is dying.  It was injured in the snow storm last winter, I repaired it, but I think the heat this summer took its toll.

The center had been cut out when it died, I planted a huge fern, but now the left side is brown and brittle.

So I will be looking at conifers to replace it.  It is a big area and probably means that the right side will eventually go, too.  I really loved this bush.

Planning on a trip to Mount Mitchell this weekend, and with the temps dipping, it will really be a nice change.  Need to see all the pretty leaves before they fall. 

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