Friday, February 8, 2019

Moss Annie

I was shocked when I saw on the Preservation NC web page that Annie Martin "Moss Annie" was coming to do a lecture at the neighboring town's library.  I had bought her book in 2015 when it came out, my chance to get it signed!

She was a petite little thing, and what a good speaker!  I could have listened to her all night.  The turnout was great, maybe 100 people.  She is on her way to Japan to do a moss garden there, which is a big honor.

I took a sample of the moss growing in my front yard to find out if it was really moss or lichen and turns out it is Thuidium moss.

This is my front yard, and with the warmer weather my moss is starting to turn greener, but I would like the whole front to be moss and I actually learned the technique for spreading the moss, which is on my list to do.

What a three weeks this has been.  I raised close to $2,000 and now have hired Sam Connelly from Pure Gold Pet Trackers who arrived from Virginia last night and actually got to see Luna up on Hwy. I-95 eating a dead deer, which I now have DOT removing today!!

Sam uses goldens to track, hence the name Pure Gold, but no tracking needed for Luna, we just have to get her in this trap.  

Sam has 16 years experience and is very successful, but very expensive and if she catches Luna, it will all be worth it.  Bob suggested she get a deer leg before they haul it off to put in her Mega Trap, gross, but could work!

So the past two days it has been summer here, but now the wind has kicked up and a cold front is coming in.  Even my snakes were out sunbathing. Why this one wanted to come inside, I don't know, but when I opened the door and he was there, I gently picked up his tail and pointed him in a different direction.

The bad thing when we get summer days in the middle of winter, everything gets buds, which will be ruined for spring with a hard cold.  Daffodils are blooming all over, mine just have buds.   Even the bluebirds are nesting in my boxes.

All of Mindy's goats are giving birth this week.  Everything is going crazy!

Still can't shake this cold, probably due to the stress of Luna, but standing out in the sun has felt really good!

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