Sunday, August 14, 2016

Dog Days of Summer

Scout, a shep/chow blend.  My friend Jana at the shelter contacted me about Scout hoping I could place him in rescue.  I knew this would be hard, he's more shepherd than chow, but thanks to Amy with the Sebastian Foundation in Lancaster, PA, he will be safe. 

Once home, I noticed how stinky he was, so a bath was in order with some nice smelling tea tree shampoo.  Much better!  He was a very good boy getting a bath. 

Took Scout to the Purple Onion in Saluda, a dog friendly town where he could eat with us outside.  We were meeting a new friend there for dinner. 

Everyone wanted to pet him and commented on what a sweet face he had.  I think he will find a home quickly. 

This is Brett Allen, producer of the tv show The Best of The Best on Discovery Channel.  I was contacted by a California rescue friend looking for a chow rescue to be featured on the show.  Since there aren't any in NC, I directed Brett to Forever Dream Senior Sanctuary in my town of Tryon.  He was running late, so we didn't eat together, but he stopped by the restaurant for me to meet his chows.  Next time he's in town I will have him over for dinner. 

Small world, especially in chow rescue.  This is Winston, a chow Brett adopted from my friend Denise with Houston Chow Chow Connection.  Didn't know that until Brett and I started talking.  I didn't know he traveled with his chows!   It's fun to meet so many people through rescue. 

Just a couple photos of the sky driving home with Scout.  Three weeks of storms and rain.  Looking forward to fall.

Back to painting this week.  Almost finished the second coat in the hallway, but I shifted to the reading room for a change of scenery.  Will post photos this week!

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