Thursday, October 2, 2014

A Touch of Autumn

Fall Blooms

This is a white American Beautyberry Bush.  I have  always had them in Georgia, but years ago I had a huge bush that was snapped at the base when my dogs were playing, and I could never find another.  I have searched for years, and finally found one online, the little pot in front.  That little pot cost me $14 plus shipping.  One week later I am at our tiny local grocery store and could not believe my eyes!  There was only one sitting outside the store for sale for $24.  Timing was definitely off on that one, but now I have two!

Isn't it beautiful?

One wonderful thing about buying an old house, especially when the owners were gardeners, is all the surprises that unfold.  Right now camelias are starting to open, and this purple one is huge and on our driveway.  We have others around the property that have huge buds, but have not opened yet, so more surprises to come.  

The pasture is loaded with tiny asters and clusters of those yellow flowers, the name of which I haven't a clue and need to get out my wildflower guides.  There are berries galore and the purple camelia and the white camelia.

Don't have a clue as to what this bush is, but sure is different!

I still have some indigo cherry tomatoes  . . .

. . . and my lettuce is coming in strong.

A friend will be visiting from Atlanta next weekend, so I have been Halloween decorating.

And fall decorating with dried gourds and found objects.  I have sold a lot of my gourds this month, and plan to start my gourd business next year.

Didn't realize I had my galvanized roof shingle sitting on my potting bench, but that is what I plan on using when we get a new roof next year.  (on left behind gourd)

The skies at dusk have been colorful.

I found this little shelf at the Goodwill for $2.92, and it had a slot in the top, maybe for a small plate?  My tiny fall painting fit in perfectly, and it is placed by the front door.

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