Sunday, October 26, 2014

Happy Halloween!

On the road to PA this week for Halloween.  Some scenes from last year's Country Living Fair.

Don't forget to turn your clocks back!


Saturday, October 25, 2014


My next door neighbors called to let me know that 1,100 cyclists would be passing our road today, and Lance Armstrong would be among them.  We also have a champion cyclist that runs the local healthfood store, Jim Cash, that ranks 17 in cycling.  A lot of interesting people live in this town.

This was the first time to meet a new couple that just moved onto our road with their baby Zeek.  I am bad at remembering names, but I did remember the baby's!

Kendall wearing the hat, with Jim next to her.  Kendall Page's family are the originals of Page Farm Road. Ken is standing with the hat.  He lives next door.  He is from Sweden, and his friend is on the right.

Ken was holding up Lance Armstrong's shirt from when he lived in Sweden. A lot of neat things go on in this tiny town.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Going Home

Found my passenger, a mom and six two-week old pups will be traveling to Carlisle, PA, on my drive home!

Monday, October 20, 2014

Tryon Fine Arts Center

John Dusenbury, Philip's brother, the man who owned our new home, was so nice to think of us and call to let us know that he would be coming to Tryon to bring some pieces of his brother's art collection along with others who own his pieces so that we could know a little bit about the man who lived in our home.

He was a paper mache artist, and the likes of Wes Craven and Richard Simmons own his pieces.  They are very large, proportions are distorted, but the finishes I found very nice and the pieces interesting.

His animals and birds are what I liked best.

When my builder found a box full of photos in the attic, there was a sketchbook of Philip's that we returned to his brother.  There were some pen and ink drawings that were at the exhibit.  Some of them were for sale and very expensive.

This is John, who evidently had a lot of friends while he lived in Tryon.  He now lives in Atlanta.  I wasn't expecting such a big turn-out in such a small town.

Photos of Philip lined one wall.  He was a runner, a very good tennis player, was a recluse with a black lab, and a very good artist.

It was a nice evening out.  Everywhere we go in this town there are mountain views.  This is from the art center parking lot.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

A Little Topiary Garden

For weeks I have been planning on stopping by David Sampson's house again, a tiny black man in his 70s that has a small topiary garden that is right on the main street in town.  I stopped once not having my camera and told him I would be back to get some photos.  We talked about Pearl Fryar  who inspired him and lives about two hours from here, and it is on my list to visit.  I baked some cookies in return for some photos.

I had this Marjolein Bastin card that was perfect.

The first time I met David, he was up on a ladder with his shears and everything was perfect.  With the rain and cool weather, the topiaries have exploded, so next time he's out on his ladder I will take some better photos.
He has butterflies, birds, chess pieces, eagles and an initial in honor of a nephew he lost.

I believe this is the eagle, but it sure needs a trim.

These are butterflies.

Chess piece.

The back side of the topiaries.

I have seen this sign since I moved here on the way to town and until today had never seen a goat, so I stopped to get the info sheet out of the box on using goats to get rid of kudzu and take their photo.

I felt bad, they saw me and came running, thinking it was dinnertime.

To my surprise, they have a dog with them that protects them.  I went to the store and got him a big marrow bone to enjoy while being on the job.
Every time I go out, there is some neat little thing I find in this quaint little Village of Tryon.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

A Touch of Autumn

Fall Blooms

This is a white American Beautyberry Bush.  I have  always had them in Georgia, but years ago I had a huge bush that was snapped at the base when my dogs were playing, and I could never find another.  I have searched for years, and finally found one online, the little pot in front.  That little pot cost me $14 plus shipping.  One week later I am at our tiny local grocery store and could not believe my eyes!  There was only one sitting outside the store for sale for $24.  Timing was definitely off on that one, but now I have two!

Isn't it beautiful?

One wonderful thing about buying an old house, especially when the owners were gardeners, is all the surprises that unfold.  Right now camelias are starting to open, and this purple one is huge and on our driveway.  We have others around the property that have huge buds, but have not opened yet, so more surprises to come.  

The pasture is loaded with tiny asters and clusters of those yellow flowers, the name of which I haven't a clue and need to get out my wildflower guides.  There are berries galore and the purple camelia and the white camelia.

Don't have a clue as to what this bush is, but sure is different!

I still have some indigo cherry tomatoes  . . .

. . . and my lettuce is coming in strong.

A friend will be visiting from Atlanta next weekend, so I have been Halloween decorating.

And fall decorating with dried gourds and found objects.  I have sold a lot of my gourds this month, and plan to start my gourd business next year.

Didn't realize I had my galvanized roof shingle sitting on my potting bench, but that is what I plan on using when we get a new roof next year.  (on left behind gourd)

The skies at dusk have been colorful.

I found this little shelf at the Goodwill for $2.92, and it had a slot in the top, maybe for a small plate?  My tiny fall painting fit in perfectly, and it is placed by the front door.