Sunday, June 2, 2013

Jacqui's 50th

Took Jacqui on the garden tour for her birthday present.  It wasn't as good as previous tours, but the weather was really nice and cool and made it pleasant to walk around.

Click on photos to enlarge

Whoops!  Didn't get a photo of the birthday girl.

Next weekend was Jacqui's birthday party.  Her mom flew down from Boston to celebrate with her.  This is a photo of Pat in front, Natalie on the left, Jacqui and me.  Her mom is taking the photo.

This is Jacqui and Natalie who was instrumental financially in getting Shelby and Zena vetted in order to be re-homed from the domestic situation Jacqui was working on and got us involved in.  Thanks for that, Jacqui (lol)!  She gave Natalie a basket of biscuits from her new business "Kashi's Kitchen" which has a facebook page, so "like" it when you visit the page.  Jacqui is baking hand-pressed, wheat-free biscuits with cute names such as PoPo's Sweet Potato Puff's and Chutter Chunk Cookies.  Love the names!

This is Lise hiding behind Jacqui's mom's iPad.  She's 80 and has an iPad.  Go Jacqui's mom!

Jacqui is so popular she had three birthday cakes.

Lise made the organic, sugar and wheat free Kashi cake, and for being so healthy, I must say it was delicious! 

Lindsay on the left, a 15 year old dog lover with 10 dogs at home!

This is little Dawn waiting for something yummy to fall off the table.  She thinks we don't see her hiding down there.

And here he is, Jacqui's main man (sorry Sam) Kashi.  In the end, it's all about Kashi!  You would have thought the bday party was for him with everyone fawning over this handsome devil.  I was happy to be part of Jacqui's big day!

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