Saturday, July 28, 2012

The Mother Earth News House

Note: Click on Photo to Enlarge

(Click on Photo to enlarge) We made it to Brevard to see the town and the house.  We really liked the town and the idea of being so close to the Pisgah Forest.
We really liked the house, the setting, not so much the one mile skinny gravel road to get there.  It would take 10 minutes to get in and out.
The house would need two new heat pumps, and the ugly shag carpet would have to go.  We would have to do something creative with all the stairs leading into the house so the dogs could make it in and out easily.
Of course, I would change the paint color outside and eventually put on a metal shingle roof, but aside from that, it is very workable for us.
This is Wendell, the realtor's golden who could not pull himself away from the stream.  There were two on the property, one on each side, and where they converge would make a wonderful pond, and that is something I would definitely do.
This is Wendell peeking through a window to see what we were all up to inside!  Okay.  So aside from the long rough road requiring a four-wheel drive and the remoteness of the place, which I would have to get used to, the big problem was the owner's friend had come up that week from Florida and loved the place so much decided to put a contract on it the day before we saw it.  He only wants it for a summer home, so we are hoping he has buyer's remorse and we get a shot at it.  We should know in about six weeks.  In the meantime, we are talking to our builder about our dream home and getting ready to gear things up!  Either way it's a win-win situation!!

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