Saturday, December 31, 2011

My Winter Hummingbird and Others

On Dec. 9 I thought I saw a hummer at my feeder, but the next day thought I had dreamt that I saw a hummer, looked out the window and there he was! I have lived in GA for 30 years and have never seen a hummer this late in the season, and it was not a Ruby Throat, it was a hummer I had never seen.  I know it's hard to see him in this photo.
And this photo isn't any better.  He is not friendly like the Ruby Throats, and when I come out to take his picture, he's off.  I immediately went online to find out more and how to keep his food from freezing and found this website GA Hummers  
Julia Elliott from Ga Hummers and working with the Dept. of Fish and Game will be coming next week to band little "Prancer" and identify him since I am one of the lucky ones to have a wintering hummer.  She assured me I will be able to get plenty of up-close photos.  Right now I am keeping a log of when he is at the feeder.  She needs to get him early in the morning on a very cold day.  Looks like next Thursday will be the perfect day, our coldest yet with highs in the '30s (yuk)! 
These are some photos from the end of summer of the Ruby Throats, and there were so many it was like a swarm of bees.  I have a wonderful video to share, if I can ever get it up on this blog.
We also had a huge flock of Bohemian Waxwings, one of my favorite birds.  The berries are plentiful right now, and I can count on seeing them outside my kitchen window every year.
This one reminds me of the famous "mad blue bird" that has been around for years on everything from calendars to coffee mugs.  Next post we will know more about my little Prancer!

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