Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A Scene from "The Birds" at Sandy's House

 Don't you just love turkey vultures?  Especially when they're on your roof?
 Another neighbor was so concerned about Sandy they called the fire department afraid there may be a corpse in the house!
 Probably Chip the prankster!
At least we FINALLY got some rain, but now I am constantly watching the Weather Channel to see where the latest hurricanes and tropical storms are going which might postpone my trip to Cumberland Island this week.  Then there are the fires in Austin which Bob's sister can see heading her way, so she may be here with her cats, and that may postpone my trip.  And, my girlfriend had to drop out, now Bob wants to go, so looking for a house/petsitter if anyone knows of anyone or is interested.  
Everything and everybody doesn't want me to go on my trip, but I will if I have to go by myself in pouring down rain and wind!! Now, that will be an adventure!

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