Monday, July 22, 2024

Rock Wall

                   A project that has been in the works for a while, and why I started to get back to it in 90 degree weather with high humidity is beyond me.  I tried to do a little in the mornings before it got really hot, but now there is rain and I am on hold. 
                   I'm uncovering the rock by removing ivy and roots. Eventually all the ivy will be gone and in this section I plan on putting in pink lily of the valley along with the lime clumps of monkey grass for summer interest. This hedge trimmer I got from my mom's house really helps in making this project easier.

           The rocks are more like boulders which have a silver sparkle in the sun. It's really pretty. These have been covered for decades. They need to be seen!
            When my mom passed and I went home for the very last time, a lot of items were left in her garden shed and most of them made it home with me. This heavy iron hook might be the best piece I got. I have done so much with this in my yard work. My mom was short, so I'm sure this came in handy for her in the yard, too. When I told my aunt that this piece was the best thing I got from her belongings, she told me my uncle had made that 40 years ago, so it's an antique!!

                     The area I uncovered, still covered in mud, but the rains have taken care of that. Once I get back to it, the ivy should come out really easy because of the rain.
                 I plan to continue all the way up the driveway to the main house. There is another 50 feet of the big boulders and ivy, then closer to the house the rock gets smaller and all I will need to do is remove these clumps of mondo grass. I wonder how many years this will take me?