Thursday, November 30, 2023


   November is a crazy month, it all starts with Bob's birthday and goes all the way to New Years.  Laying low at Thanksgiving works for me, I get the tree up, have the Macy's Day Parade in the background, food in the oven.  Last chance for leaf peeping, trees are in peak form at the house.

    The Yuletide Camelia is starting to bloom as are all the others around town.

  A long weekend to get the last of my spring seedlings in the ground while it's not frozen.  I have way too many to plant, next year I will do less. Lots of hellebores, foxgloves and rose campions.
   This major job started this summer with eradicating ivy along the driveway.  The iris where planted was not getting enough sun, so hence the major relocation.  With my knee not in top form, this was not easy.  After six months I did get an MRI, a torn meniscus and cartilage. Ortho wanted to drain and give a cortisone shot, but I will heal this myself, I am determined!

   A drive to Table Rock in SC just to look at trees.  The trip up toward Asheville is too crowded this time of year with all the peepers.

  This week, had an unexpected transport of six chows and one husky come to stay at the farmhouse.  I'm working with Chow Network of PA.  She sent her nanny down to Miami to get all these dogs out of shelters before the holidays as they would be killed. They needed a place halfway to stay the night, the dogs walked, fed and medicated. I did not know there were two kids and a boyfriend, too, all in 600 square feet!!! I did hours upon hours of dog walking, not good for the knee. One was in my sunroom with a broken leg, another in my laundry room having just been spayed, others in the van, another in the farmhouse with the guests.  I'm still recovering days later!!
   I feel in love with this blue girl and her blonde mate, from a backyard breeder in Florida, no longer wanted.  In depolorable condition, but so sweet. If it wasn't for having two seniors, I would adopt them.  Bob and I plan on traveling in between dogs when my seniors pass, so timing just isn't right.

                       Dakota from Miami with a broken leg.
Princess who had just been spayed.

                            This crazy husky that screamed at the top of his lungs when we tried to get him in a crate to travel. Good thing I don't have neighbors close by.
                   Mellow, a gorgeous boy who got to ride up front.  Now for our 39th anniversary, Christmas, my birthday, a neighborhood get together and New Years!!