Tuesday, March 29, 2016


A few treats in an old sap bucket.

Two months later, my enormous camellia is still loaded with flowers and buds.

Everything is blooming, even the thistles.

It was my friend Debra's birthday, and she loves carrot cake.  These carrot cake cookies were in an issue of Martha Stewart Living, so I made a batch for her and took the drive over to her house with a candle from Athropologie.

Debra lives on the other side of Tryon, 15 minutes from me, the equestrian section of our town.  Some snapshots along the way.

I have had my eye on this old fountain and pump since I moved here.  I hate to see it in disrepair, but I think it would be impossible to move and erect even if the owners were willing to give it up.

Back on my road.

Just in time to capture the moon rising.

Morris the horse is everywhere in this town, even on the recycling bins!

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Another Stone Path

On my weekly prowl at the Habitat store, I spied these vintage hedge clippers for $9, and I actually left without buying them.  As the week went on and I started to do some outside cleanup, I realized I could really use those clippers for the big holly that needs trimming, so back I went, and they were still there!  They are heavy, still sharp, and I'm glad they are now mine!

Everything is emerging, hostas, ferns, perennials.

Another bird house gets erected.

Flowering Quince

Why is it I go outside to trim hedges, feed hydrangeas, and somehow I notice a stone sticking out under the ivy, so I get the shovel and starting digging, next thing I know I'm unearthing yet another stone path?  

This is the maple I transplanted last month in place of a huge bush that I took down.  The stone path goes right past it and around to the other side of the house.  I love that it was the original path that winds between my maple and six hydrangeas that I planted on the other side.  One day there will be lots to view from this path.

Ivy and mud covered the stones.  A lot of big roots needed to be cut away.

Couldn't pass up the last pussy willow bush at the garden center.  I have always loved them, but now where to plant it?

Hellebores brought from Georgia are now emerging.  The kitchen at the tiny farmhouse is painted!

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Touches of Spring

The tulip magnolia is in full bloom as seen from my living room.

Time to get the winter theme off the mantle and add some signs of spring.  I just found this faux bois rabbit, of all places, at a grocery store on my trip to Florence, SC.

A lot of my winter pieces blend right into spring with the addition of some metal hyacinths and rabbits.

My chocolate bunny acquired a moss mat from World Market.

This is Charlie, a husky that I brought home from an NC shelter.  It took weeks of networking, but I finally got a Florida husky rescue thanks to my friend Francia, to take him into their rescue.

Charlie spent a few days at our house, so it gave me time to get lots of good photos for the rescue to use to get him adopted. 

He was one of the sweetest huskies I've had visit so far, and I loved his compact size, a mere 53 lbs. 

Yesterday I did the first three hours of the transport to Florida.  He was a pleasure to have.  I love the blue eyes that are a husky trait.

Now it's back to getting some things accomplished around the house and yard.  We actually had a surprise for the tiny farmhouse.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Reading Room Gets a Lamp

Brass has never been my favorite metal, I usually like the silver tones, but with the antique wallpaper in Bob's reading room, only brass will do.  I was lucky enough to stop in at the hospice store yesterday and found this antique floor lamp with a milkglass shade for only $15.

There is a dark corner on the other side of the room between two bookcases, and I needed a lamp that would direct the light upward just for effect, not for reading.  

An added bonus is three arms to put bulbs in, and I just so happened to have the Edison bulbs waiting to be used, purely decorative and in sync with the time period of this house.  The brasswork is really pretty.  I will need to buy some covers for the fittings.

Once I begin work on this room I will have photos of it in the space for which it is intended.  Right now all renovation efforts have been moved to My Tiny Farmhouse with only two months left to get a lot of things done before my guests arrive!  Check it out!