Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Being a Tourist

Top on the list to tour with my brother and his wife was the Biltmore Estate, which I hadn't been to in over a decade.  As beautiful and interesting as ever!  Other things included hanging at the boathouse and hiking to Pearson Falls.  Cooler than normal weather made walking and touring that much nicer.

The dresses from Downton Abbey were on display adding more to the attraction.  Loved the dresses and jewels!

Hard to top the gargoyles, though!

Monday, April 13, 2015

Blooms in the Garden

A profusion of blooms everywhere from wisteria to dogwoods, saucer magnolias, viburnums, ajuga, phlox, kerria, and lots of old-fashioned azaleas with more to come!  This spring is full of surprises plant-wise.

This week I also made a trip to Atlanta to pick up Zorro who spent the weekend and Daddy wanted a personal meeting.  

I drove two hours north above Charlotte to get Zorro on his transport to NJ and picked up Walker, a Great Pyrenees who needed a home and through contacting my goat peeps, found him a home on a farm in Greenville, SC.  Very busy week for sure. Gearing up to get started on the outside painting.  Our painter "Shaggy" was here and gave us an estimate and we are ready to start.

Monday, April 6, 2015

George, this post is for you!

On Easter we decided to drive to the Gorge Zipline at the top of the mountain nine miles from our house to watch the people zipline.  Getting prepared for when my brother visits at the end of the month, lots of fun things planned.

Very nice place to hang out for a few hours and drink coffee.

Next we went to the bottom, the gorge, to see kayakers and look at moss and wildflowers.  I must say the road up and down reminded me of  the road to Machu Picchu.

Hope my city boy brother can handle some adventure in the great outdoors!