Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Jackpot! Found My Goat Farm!

Was paying $10.26 a quart at Fido's Market, now paying $10 a gallon!

And it is only 35 minutes from my home

This is Mark, the chief milker with my six-gallon order ready to go.  His mom is from Denmark, and he was leaving for Denmark today to visit his grandparents for two weeks.  Can I go??
One of the girls on the milking table
See you girls in a couple of weeks!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

God's Thoughts on Lawns

I know my neighbors hate my pasture.  If there were a homeowners' association, I would be fined every month . . . and this makes me happy because I am supplying numerous flowers now called weeds for birds, bees and butterflies, a place for rabbits to nest and baby deer to take a nap. 

I only have to mow paths for my pack every few weeks lessening noise and air pollution unlike my neighbors who fire up their mowers, leaf blowers and weed wackers every single day.

When I leave, I will slip a copy of "God's Thoughts on Lawns" in their mailbox.  I wonder if they'll get it?
Read it at: 

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Zena Gets a Home

This is Zena.  Jacqui and I have been working with a "new" friend and her seven month old baby who were in a domestic situation, and 10 dogs had to be re-homed quick.  Jacqui was amazing and worked so hard for two weeks, got four dogs placed in either homes or rescues.  I was lucky to get Zena into a rescue in Illinois, so I offered to do a leg of transport Saturday for three huskies, Zena being one of them.

Zena is giving kisses to her next driver.  She is a very sweet dog who loved the baby.  Usually I transport dogs from shelters that are ready to be pts.  This situation was different.  It was sad because Zena was coming from a once happy home and had to leave her owner, the baby, and nine of her buddies behind. 

This is Vernon, one of Zena's traveling buddies.  He was on death row and is now on his way to Free Spirit Siberian Rescue.

And this is Clyde ( who no one at the shelter noticed was a girl and gave her that name).  She is another traveling buddy of Zena and Vernon's.  She was the pup and a handful!

Thank you to Karen at Free Spirit who normally will not take personal pets from a home in order to help shelter dogs on death row, but as a favor for doing so many transports was willing to help us get Zena to a safe place.  This has taken a major weight off of her owner's shoulders, even though she did not want to let her go.  Bittersweet ending.