Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Bluebirds are everywhere right now, so many, that I decided to put up another birdhouse, and within minutes they were checking it out.
Bluebirds have inspired my latest collection, foil etchings.  This one cost me a whopping $5.99 on Ebay
I started adding mealworms to the bird feed, and I believe that is the reason so many of them are here and in the feeders.
One day I'll get a better camera so I can zoom in on these beautiful birds!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentine's Night

Valentine's Day seemed more like Christmas this year.  Bob received a crow shirt and a bottle of Zirbenz
Lots of cards, two of which came from my mom, and one had a big 'ole check in it much to my surprise!  Could not resist the cups with owls, mushrooms and glitter, three of my favorite things!  Meant for a kid's Valentine's party, but I just had to have them.
I received a bottle of my favorite Italian wine, Aramone, and Bob cooked dinner, Asian Beef Salad with Srirachia Honey Dressing.  We used baby spinach instead of bibb lettuce, and we ate the whole big bowl full! For dessert I made pumpkin flan with whipped cream and Kahlua, yum!
We ate in front of the fire and downloaded Vanishing of the Bees a documentary that I have been wanting to see, a recommendation from one of the girls at the CSA.  It was a quiet, relaxing V Day, just what we both needed.

Friday, February 10, 2012

In Memory of Harold Carton

A tribute to Harold has been set up on Facebook. 
Just search "In Memory of Harold Carton" to read what others have to say in honor of his life.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

In Memory of Harold

We lost a dear friend today, a crazy Irishman from Boston who loved rottweilers and lived life to its fullest to the age of 83 with help from his wife Debra, a May-December relationship which lasted over 30 years, who helped change his lifestyle to one of good eating and non-smoking which allowed him to live such a full life. Harold will be missed. It is, indeed, a sad day.